Our vision : Waste is the resources

Considering waste as a resource saves the resource and solves the waste problem.


UPCYCLINK is committed to a blue economy approach

The blue economy is an economic model inspired by natural ecosystems, which claims to meet basic needs by valorizing what is available locally and by transposing nature’s prowess to an industrial scale. This concept is based on the principles of the circular economy, a source of employment, where each waste would become a resource for another activity.

Our purpose

We created Upcyclink to lead a
new way of
recovering sustainable resources.


We believe that today’s waste is tomorrow’s resources.

We support companies and communities towards a zero waste strategy.


We believe that greentechnologies
help reduce our environmental impact.

We develop green technologies to combat resource depletion and promote the transition of economy to a more sustainable model.


We believe that the future lies in local solutions.

We promote sustainable and profitable solutions that respect local resources and product quality.

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The spirit of Upcyclink encompasses 4 great values

Alternative ways to tackle the bio-waste - Upcylink


Upcyclink transcends the status quo.
We explore alternative ways to tackle the bio-waste right now.

constraints as opportunities to surpass ourselves - Upcyclink


We see constraints as opportunities to surpass ourselves and to grow. Being positive is our mindset.

Sharing, circular economy values - Upcyclink


Sharing is the base of our collective success.
Upcyclink promotes circular economy values.

Relationship for reasonnable economy - Upcyclink


Dialogue and mutual respect drives our relationship with all our stakeholders.

Our areas of expertise

Food - Upcyclink Biovalue makers

By-products become products !

So making food for humans with the biggest part of the by-products is the main target.


Thanks to a strong experience in products development, we cook up good and qualitative products loved by consumers.


Our expertise in food processing ensures the best manufacturing processes tailored to your budget and your needs and food safety at all stages.

Biotech - Upcyclink Biovalue makers

Zero waste is not just an idea

We are able to convert all your residues into products of interest for many purposes.


Indeed, our perfect knowledge of biotechnological processes combined with a systematic strategy of co-valorisation allows us not only to optimise yields but also to maximise the economic and environmental value of your residues.


At Upcyclink, nothing is thrown away, everything is transformed.

R&D - Upcyclink

Meet environmental challenges

UPCYCLINK is a young innovative enterprise working on the valorization of a wide range of inputs using green technologies.


Our team is regularly called upon to take part in collaborative research projects with SMEs, major groups and research units.


Our SOBRE® pilot plant facilitates industrial scale-up.

3 fleches upcyclink

We areupcyclers

The Upcyclink team has a huge amount of experience in sectors including valorization of byproducts, biotechnologies, food science, food processing, food safety, process engineering, business plan and finance, project management.

Jean-Pascal Bergé - Co-founder CEO & Chairman - Upcyclink


CEO & Chairman

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Jean-Pascal is Upcyclink’s chaiman and CEO.
Jean-Pascal has a background in valorization of co-products thanks to bioprocess and has worked in research centers and private companies over the last 30 years.
He is Ph. D in biotechnologies and HDR. Prior to co-founding Upcyclink, he founded the company BioThoT.

Frédéric Mens Co-founder CTO - Upcyclink



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Fred leads Design unity and Process engineering activities for Upcyclink.
Fred has a background in food technology and food safety and has led over the last 30 years a
wide variety of projets all over the world.
He graduated a MsC degree in food science & nutrition in 1991.
Prior to co-founding Upcyclink, he founded Foodsynergie.

Myriam Thélu - Co-founder Upcyclink-CFO



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Myriam manages Upcyclink finances and leads communication activities. Myriam has 25 years of experience driving profitability and business development. She is graduated from ESC Poitiers.
Prior to co-founding Upcyclink, she was CEO of a company specialized in IoT.

Expert Upcyclink


R&D Project Manager

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Hélène manages R&D projects relating to the valorization of inputs and resistant matrices. She has over 20 years’ experience in product design, processes and quality control, from laboratory to industrial scale.

expert upcyclink


Process Technician

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Nelson carries out recovery tests on the SOBRE® unit, making pilot batches and analyzing the results. He is also responsible for process optimization.
Nelson is a process engineering technician.

Our partners