Relocation of raw material recovery for VIVES-EAUX
How can the on-site recovery of fishing by-products after filleting be relocated to a zero waste perspective? This is the project that the fish trade company VIVES-EAUX entrusted to Upcyclink.
About the project
- Localisation : France
- Project stages : pre-project, design, engineering, commissioning
- Raw material : seafood
- Target markets : food, petfood

The integral valorisation of fish
Vives-Eaux is a Nantes-based company specialized in the processing and marketing of sea products for more than 30 years. Its activity is more particularly focused on species landed in the French ports of the Atlantic coast and the Channel coast.
In 2021, the family business is launching a project to relocate the valorization of the raw material. The company wishes to valorize 100% of the 3000 tons of fish processed per year, from the bone to the flanks and the head.
Role of Upcylink
Global support of the project
Upcyclink provided full support for the recovery project. After conducting an audit of the co-products and market studies demonstrating the economic potential of the project, Upcyclink performed a technical and economic feasibility study on the selected recovery routes. Upcyclink’s experts then designed and engineered the recovery facility, conducted pilot tests to validate the process and the final products according to the specifications of the identified buyers. Recipes were developed for the valorization in human food and samples were produced. Commissioning support and technology transfer from Upcyclink concluded this project conducted in partnership with the client.

Technical features of the solution
- Expertise : Processes – Food safety – Food science – Biotechnology – Economic and sectoral analysis – Industrial ecology
- Technologies : Separation – Freezing – Grinding – Enzymatic hydrolysis – Sieving
- Recovered products : Fish mince – Prepared dishes – Petfood

Customer benefits
Re-appropriation of value and environmental benefits
This on-site recovery project has a very rapid rate of return on investment and offers a very positive economic and environmental balance sheet for Vives-Eaux : 25% more product in the food supply, 90% of the raw material recovered, new markets with high added value, reduction of the carbon footprint.